An NFT Marketplace (or NFT-marketplace) is a website that facilitates the trade of unique digital assets, such as digital collectibles, digital tokens, smart contracts, or any other digital asset that has a digital representation of value.
The platform aims to facilitate the trade and exchange of NFTs in a decentralized environment and to provide the public with an efficient and secure digital asset marketplace.
The NFT Marketplaces are managed and operated by the community and are not owned or controlled by any centralized entity. All NFT Markets are based on the blockchain. NFT Markets are public, decentralized marketplaces where users can trade the digital assets they own or create.
The NFT Marketplaces are defined by the collective set of rules that are laid out by the community. These rules are referred to as the NFT Market Platform protocol, or simply as the protocol.
The protocol makes it possible for NFT Markets to determine which digital assets are eligible for trade, the conditions for trade, the conditions for trade offers, the conditions for trade offers that are accepted, and the conditions for trade offers that are declined, as well as the execution of trade offers, and the conditions for trade execution.
The NFT Marketplaces are managed and operated by the community and are not owned or controlled by any centralized entity. out of the box NFTs Market are based on the blockchain.
It is one of the first NFT Marketplaces to define the protocol, and it has been actively participating in the development of the protocol since the very beginning.
The protocol is evolving and is being actively developed to meet the needs of the NFT Marketplaces and digital asset community and to ensure the quality of the NFT Marketplaces.
The development of the protocol is being funded by the ICN token.
Ethereum versus EOS: EOS is a blockchain platform that uses a consensus algorithm called Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS), whereas Ethereum is a blockchain platform that uses Proof of Work (PoW) to achieve consensus.
Smart Contract Technology versus a decentralized and trust less blockchain: The NFT Marketplaces are based on blockchain technology, whereas the NFT Marketplaces are based on smart contracts.
EOS is an open-source blockchain project that aims to provide a scalable and decentralized operating environment for decentralized applications (Dapps). It is a blockchain-based operating system to provide a scalable and decentralized operating environment for decentralized applications, as well as an underlying architecture that is not only focused on financial applications, but also other types of applications, such as the sharing of files, processing of data, and exchange of digital assets.